Thursday, July 29, 2010

Zero Turn Lawn Mower

A riding mower on the campus of Harvard Busine...Image via Wikipedia
Everybody wants to have a well maintained and good looking lawn. However, when it comes to do all these cleaning, cutting and edging manually, you always feel lazy. So, for all those people who want their grass look outstanding, zero turn lawn mowers are the perfect solution for them. These tools are riding mowers and capable to turn around 180 degrees within in their own length of the body.

Initially, this equipment was designed to take care of big grassed areas such as golf courses or big parks. But, today, these are available in smaller sizes as well. They can cut right up against and around barriers you can also do trimming as well.

According to many experts, the working of zero turn lawn mower is very much similar to the tanks and bulldozers as both of them can turn right back on themselves. The only difference is that tanks and bulldozers use treads to control their movements as opposed to using their rear wheels but the rest of the principle is absolutely same. The control over the machine depends on the varied amount of drive power applied on each wheel. For instance, if both the rear wheels are moving with the same speed in forward direction the mower will move forward in straight lines. If there is a difference between speeds of any wheel then it will roll in the direction of the slower moving wheel. In order to roll in a half circle, just make one wheel turn backwards as the other moves forward.

Generally, these tools have two rear drive wheels links to the hydrostatic transmission that transforms the power of engine into hydraulic pressure. This helps it move and also controls the course of the machine. In fact, the engine powers a pump that uses pressure of hydraulic fluid and puts pressure on the wheel that makes the machine move.

Earlier, the operators used to control the speed of the machine with the help of a pair of levers. But, in the newer versions, there is a joystick or handlebars just like motorcycle or even a steering wheel are provided to control the machine.

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